Hearty One-Pot Autumn Meals

When the chill of autumn sets in, we crave warm, comforting foods like long-simmered stews and braised meats. The recipes featured here fit the bill perfectly—and they're easy on the cook because preparation requires only one pot.

Lamb shanks are browned in a sauté pan on the stovetop, then braised in the same pan in the oven until they're fork tender. Fragrant with cardamom, curry and other spices, this savory lamb is delicious paired with steamed couscous. Our hearty chili simmers for six hours in a slow cooker so the flavors meld wonderfully.

Even if you're in a hurry, you can still enjoy rich, full-flavored fare by using a pressure cooker. In just 20 minutes, beef stew emerges tender and tasty, as if it had simmered for hours. Accompany with a tossed green salad and a loaf of crusty bread, and your meal is complete.