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Truffle Oils

Distinguishing Your Dishes With Truffle Oils

Magnify the flavor of your everyday dishes when you curate a collection of truffle oils. These oils are made specifically to finish a plate, as opposed to more straightforward flavors of oil that might be used for cooking or adding fat to a sauce or dressing. With this kind of use, you get to enjoy the rich subtlety of the flavor of each oil you select. Truffles are known for their breadth of sophistication, so there's a lot you can do with them, especially when you explore the differences in tastes, like black or white truffles. Bottles make beautiful gifts for friends when there's a dinner party or housewarming on your agenda. Explore how these exquisite oils can enrich your palate when you shop truffle oils at Williams Sonoma now.

What Are Truffle Oils?

Truffle oils are oils made for drizzling atop food in order to add new layers of flavor. They are finishing oils as compared with cooking oils, like peanut or safflower oil.

  • Truffle oil is usually a high-quality extra virgin olive oil, infused with the flavors of truffles, which are a rare fungus with a delicate and unique flavor unlike most other flavors.
  • Genuine truffle oil is made with actual truffles, as opposed to a compound flavoring that may taste alike across different ranges of oil. Look for genuine truffle oil to experience why people swoon for the taste.
  • Other oils or flavor infusions may be included for depth of flavor or aroma. Popular options include basil oil, roasted shallots or other aromatics cherished by gourmet lovers.
  • While you may be used to selecting large bottles of your favorite olive oil, a smaller bottle of truffle oil is a fine choice, because of the strength of flavor and finishing properties.

Truffle Oil Flavors to Try Now

Discover the various kinds of truffle oils to make the most of your new interest in this delightful flavor. A wonderful way to experience the truffle flavor is to set out two bread plates, warm your favorite baguette or other loaf and pool a bit of truffle oil in one plate as a dipping oil. This lets you understand the flavor of each oil on its own so you can later pair it with other dishes.

Try black truffle, white truffle or paired truffle infusions that include herbs and aromatics. Each has its own notes that you can get to know with tastings.

Pairing Truffle Oil With Your Favorite Foods

Pair truffle oils with a wide range of foods, including pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, pizza, eggs and more. Enjoy what 's unique about each pairing and share them with friends and family, so that they become familiar with this gourmet delicacy alongside you.