How to Choose a Furniture Finish

In addition to the color palette of your space, an important interior design decision is the finish of your furniture. Learn how to make the right choice.

How to Choose a Furniture Finish

Much like choosing a color palette, choosing finishes for your furniture and hardware can be intimidating. One of the challenges you will be faced with when decorating is creating a finish scheme that is a mix of new furniture you are purchasing and the furniture that you already own and plan to keep in the room. Read on for our pro tips on choosing your furniture finishes.

The aesthetic of the finish also includes the texture and the distress level of the furniture piece, so there are a few things to consider along with the actual finish. Do you prefer smooth and glossy vs. dry and rough? Do you like a heavily distressed look or a finish that’s slightly rubbed at the edges? If you like a little stressing, what style does the look of that texture or distress level emanate?

How to Choose Your Furniture Finish

How to Choose Your Furniture Finish

To satisfy your personal design style, you can go in two different directions with your finish scheme. One is to select two core finishes. This will create interest and energy in the space. Creating contrast is important here: be sure the finishes are not almost the same or they can look mismatched. Alternatively, you can select multiple finishes for a more unique look. In this case, you may choose to have a dining table with a different from your chairs, or a dining table with chairs in a variety of finishes. Vintage, found, or antique pieces can have different finishes all together.

Work with an Interior Designer

Work with an Interior Designer

Williams Sonoma Home offers free design services to our customers. Work with our stylists and decorators, in your home or at your local store, to create your dream home. Schedule an appointment with the Williams Sonoma Design Crew or work with your local store to get started.