Making Ice Pops

Making Ice Pops
Who doesn't recall cooling down on a hot summer day with an ice pop, trying to lick the frozen treat quickly before it melted and dripped down your chin? A favorite among kids, ice pops are a decidedly adult refreshment as well when created with sophisticated flavors, such as coffee or tea. These treats-on-a-stick make a festive ending to a backyard barbecue.

Ice pops are simple and fun to prepare. You can freeze just about any liquid, including fruit juices and even mixed drinks like margaritas, with or without the alcohol. Keep in mind that sugar and alcohol both lower the freezing point of water, so the more sugar or alcohol you add, the less solid the ice pop will be.

To make multicolored (and flavored) ice pops, just follow these simple directions:

Choose 3 ice-pop liquids, such as orange juice, cranberry juice and grape juice, and put 6 oz. of each in separate bowls. Divide the first juice among the pop molds, cover with the lid, insert the wooden sticks and freeze for 2 hours. Remove from the freezer, remove the lids and divide the second liquid among the molds. Cover and freeze for 2 hours more. Remove from the freezer, remove the lids and divide the third liquid among the molds. Cover and freeze for 3 hours more. Makes eight 2-oz. ice pops.

Suggested Liquids for Ice Pops

Fruit Drinks
Apple juice
Blood orange juice
Cranberry juice
Grapefruit juice
Orange juice
Passion fruit juice
Peach nectar
Pear nectar
Spiced apple juice
Tangerine juice
Watermelon agua fresca

Coffee and Tea
Black tea
Ginger tea
Lemon tea
Mint tea