Blackberry-Buttermilk Sherbet

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This buttermilk-based sherbet tastes like decadent ice cream, but is a lot lower in fat and gets an antioxidant boost from the blackberries. Use either fresh or frozen blackberries. If using frozen, buy ones without added sugar and thaw them before using, reserving the juice. Make sure you have an ice cream maker and enough time to let the mixture freeze into a tangy, irresistible treat.



In a blender or food processor, whirl the blackberries (along with any juices from thawed frozen berries) until smooth. Pour the puree into a fine-mesh strainer set over a bowl, pressing on the solids to extract as much puree as possible; you should have about 1 cup puree. Discard the solids.

Add the sugar and whisk until dissolved. Whisk in the buttermilk and lemon juice.

Freeze the blackberry mixture in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer to an airtight container and freeze until firm enough to scoop, 4 to 6 hours. Makes about 1 1/2 pints; serves 6.

Adapted from Williams-Sonoma Healthy in a Hurry, by Karen Ansel, MS, RD and Charity Ferreira (Weldon Owen, 2011).

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